Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2 weeks old!

Well Sam is 2 weeks old... feels like we just brought him home yesterday!!  So far so good.  We are past our birth weight and I swear all the kid does is eat.  I know I can't compare kids but he is a HOG compared to what Devyn was.  I had to force feed Devyn when she was a baby and I have to make Sam slow down.  He slept in his crib for the first time last night... of course Devyn is still in our bed.  One of these days she will be out too.  School starts in 3 weeks so I need to love them both up now!!

This is my new favorite picture!!!  Both my babies.

And one with daddy!!

And mommy!

We took Devyn to get a new bike this weekend.  She picked out a Harley Davidson motorcycle.  She loves it!!

Kelly and Tyler are moving so we went over there to help destroy their place to make packing more difficult :-)  This is what Devyn was doing... just being silly!

Playing with baby brother.  We don't use his name at home...we call him Baby Brother.  I wonder if that will stick?   I think Devyn is having more fun than Baby Brother in these pictures.

With Aunt Kelly!

And our very first bath!!  Thanks Baba!!  I took Sam to the doctor on Monday and the doctor asked if he had a bath... I said NO...she said my homework is to take him home and give him one!!  So we went straight to my moms house and she helped out!  I am still learning how to work the extra parts down there.

And posing for the camera!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Devyn & Sam

It is definitely harder with 2 kids.  That is for sure.  Brant has basically been on baby duty while I am on Devyn duty.  Devyn is absolutely in love with her baby brother.  She doesn't like to be far away from him. Is always wanting to hold him, feed him, burp him.  She has been calling me Katie and telling me to chill out and walk away from her baby.  She doesn't really understand that he isn't a doll and that he isn't as strong as Drew but we are doing our best.  I guess it could be worse.  She could want nothing to do with him at all.

It is official!  Brant and Sam are TWINS!!

This is how we start our mornings.  Both kids in our bed.  It might be the best part of the day!

Me and my 2 kids!

I can't get Devyn to nap to save my life.  But Papa can!  She was on him for not even 5 minutes and she was out!  Too bad we can't do this everyday!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sam James Gordon

Sam has arrived!!  Finally!!!  It was a pretty eventful Weds at the Gordon household.  We woke up and got ready to head to the hospital and were about to leave when my phone rang.  They called to cancel my induction.  Brant was upstairs when I got the call and I was hysterical!  I was crying so hard that I could barely even speak.  He ran downstairs and thought something was honestly wrong.  The poor nurse on the phone must have thought I was a little insane!  But hey it worked out to our benefit.  They called about 30 minutes later and said come on in!!  Off we went!

Sam James Gordon
7 pounds 15 ounces
21 inches

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

39 Weeks

Who would have thought we would have made it this far.  I definitely did not.  But baby boy Gordon will be here soon... stay tuned :-)

We had terrible storms yesterday.  My sister is out of power and could be out all week.  We all got together and had dinner at my parents last night.  I think Devyn missed her cousins.  She didn't see them all week.  Here are the big D and Brock riding a motorcycle!  Pretty cute.

Devyn LOVES LOVES LOVES the water.  She can put her head under and actually hold her breath for a few seconds.  I think that is pretty good for a 3 year old.  We have been taking her to the pool but the other day we decided to just play with the hose.   Here is Baba chasing Devyn!

The other morning Devyn wanted to play in the basement.  So we went down there.  It is honestly about -40 degrees down there.  It is FREEZING!!  I said to her hey D can we go upstairs I am freezing.  She said "I am talking to Papa!  Leave me alone Katie!"  Okay then.

Posing for a picture.

And climbing the rock wall with Daddy.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!!!

Happy Birthday America!  Hope everyone is having a fun, relaxing and safe weekend!!

Brant took Devyn to the fireworks last night!!  Our good friend Aidan works at a country club so they had a little father/daughter night out!!  I was a little jealous that I wasn't able to go!!  Sounds like they want to make it a tradition :-(  Aidan and Charlotte picked Brant and Devyn up in their Jeep and off they went!!  Devyn was talking about the car with no top on it all morning this morning!  And the way she explains the fireworks couldn't be any cuter!  She came in last night and said "Mommy they were AWESOME!!  They went boom boom boom boom."  Here are a few pictures!

This is Charlotte, Devyn, and Sawyer.

Here Devyn is looking at the fireworks for the very first time!

I told her if it gets too loud that she needs to plug her ears!  Here she is taking my advice :-)

I went to school the other day to try and get my room in order.  Maybe it is part of this whole nesting thing but the fact that it isn't done yet is driving me insane!  Brant was going to take Devyn to the pool but she wanted to go and see Cars instead.  So off they went to see the movie!  This is the picture I got!  He called me on the way and said she wants to go to Cars and I can't get her out of her princess outfit!  Love it!