Monday, July 26, 2010

Preschool Pics!!!

Pretty certain that both Jacob and Devyn LOVE preschool!!  I kind of like it too!!  It's fun and we get to sing songs and jump around.  Here are some pictures from today!

A close up - just cuz I love them and it has been awhile since I posted one!

Devyn at school singing the opening song!  And playing with a toy bug.  So funny now whenever she sees a bug she says Mamma Bug!!

The next 2 pics might be my new favorites!  Here Jacob is coming in for a hug....

And the Big D going in for the kiss...

The 2 BFF's playing with the drum.  Of course they find a way to flip it and roll it when all of the other kids are just hitting it like they are supposed to.  

Devyn is in love with baby Katie!!  She always plays peekaboo or goes over and tickles her!  Such a cutie!!

Devyn the tool woman!!  She loves this drill at preschool.  She gets real mad when another kid has it!  Melissa and I were laughing today because the girls normally sit with their moms and play and the boys are running around and playing in the water and basically doing things they aren't supposed to.  Well Devyn is playing with the boys and running around and getting in trouble!  

AAHHHHHHH!!  The paint!!  Devyn LOVES the paint and it is such a mess.  She got it in her hair, all over her clothes, on my clothes, on her hands!  I mean its in all sorts of places.  Honestly she painted for about 10 minutes.  Anyone that knows Devyn knows she doesn't do anything for 10 minutes!  So it was actually pretty nice to see her concentrate and really into something!  

At the end of preschool they have a snack and read a story then chase the bubbles.  Devyn and Jacob sitting for their snack!  And they get to drink from big kid glasses!  I think they like that the best!  See the paint in the Big D's hair!  

And finally playing with the bubbles!  

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why is it so HOT out?!!

It has been so hot out lately.  It just hasn't been fun!!  I tried to take Devyn to the park today and we made it about 3 feet and she said Mamma home.  So we came back home.  There just isn't much to do with her when we are inside all day long.  Hopefully it cools down soon!!!

We are fighting our nap which makes me very sad...very rarely can I get her to actually take one.  And she has been eating like I have never seen before!  She had a hotdog at lunch today and then asked for another one.  And then ate the entire thing then asked for more strawberries.  Who is this girl!?!  Growth spurt?!!

Devyn and I had a big day on Monday.  We went to preschool and then had a play date.  This is what happened on the way home from the play date.  She was out!!  Holding her babies.  We are completely obsessed with babies.  We must have 100.  And she has to hold all of them at once.

Aunt Kara and Uncle Scott have been watching Devyn while I am teaching summer school!!  They are both doing such an awesome job!!!  Thank you guys so much!!  We love you!

I guess Kara is the only person that ever calls me because when my phone rings Devyn goes Hi Kara!

Kara sent me these pictures today!  I opened them and started laughing!!  Devyn watching The Lion King!

And outside playing with the bubbles!!  

Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Pics!

Not much really going on here!!  We have been doing the usual...going to the park, the zoo, etc.  I did just sign Devyn up for a preschool prep class so that is good!  It is on Mondays from 11-12:30.  Jacob will be there too!!!  I think they need some form or organized activity!

My parents gave us some bikes so we got one of those old school seats and put it on the back for Devyn and we have been riding around the city!!  It's been so much fun and she LOVES it!  She likes to play little jokes and put her feet on my seat so I can't sit down and then she laughs!  Then when every car goes by she says Hello Hello!!

I am running my first triathlon this weekend with Aunt Kara!!  Stay tuned for some pictures!  Brant and Devyn are off to Iowa City for the weekend!!

This might be my new favorite picture of Devyn!!  She is so tired she is like a walking zombie!!  But she just looks so grownup!

Here we are at the zoo in the monkey house.

And we got our 2nd haircut on Saturday!!  This is the best picture I could get.

I went to my friend Regina's bachelorette party on Saturday night.  We started off at an apartment building in the city that had the most amazing view I have ever seen!!  It was raining and when it cleared there was a rainbow over Navy is a picture of the rainbow and Navy Pier. 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!!!!

Happy 4th of July!!!  It couldn't be any hotter here in Chicago!!  I walk outside and I start sweating!  We have had an awesome weekend with lots of family time!  We have actually done some touristy type things too.  We took D to the beach and Navy Pier!   Scott and Jenny are here now too so it has been so nice to spend the holiday weekend with them!!  Yay!!!  Love you guys!!  I hope that we get to see the fireworks from our rooftop.

Today we walked to Navy Pier then took D to the Children's museum.  Here are a few pictures from this morning.   Could Devyn's dress be any cuter!??  Thank you Grandma Linda for sending!!