Monday, November 30, 2009

A few that made me smile...

I have been really really bad with the camera lately. I just haven't had time! But don't worry _ our tree is up and I bought a santa outfit AND Aunt Kara bought Devyn some adorable new dresses so I have a feeling some cute pictures our on the way!! Warning: During Christmas I think I am pretty creative and artsy with the camera_ anyone who knows me knows I am not creative or artsy!!

I was looking through my girlfriends wedding photos today and I came across a couple that made me smile so I thought I would post them! I promise pictures of the new place will be up soon!

Monday, November 23, 2009


I wish I could say that this has been an easy transition_BUT it has been far from it. Devyn refuses to sleep in our new place which means Brant and I don't get to sleep! I don't think we have had a full night sleep in over a week. And to make matters even worse I am sick. Hopefully soon we will all be sleeping and all be healthy!

My parents came down this weekend and my mom worked her butt off! She cleaned our entire place!! Thank you Mom!! My dad kept saying "Katie why don't you follow your mom and learn how to clean" and my mom would say "Katie why don't you go downstairs" I think I was in the way!! Cleaning really isn't my thing :-)

Here are a few pictures of Devyn in her usual position. The pacifier has come back into our life _ since the move it is really the only thing that keeps her happy. She will honestly throw a temper tantrum at ANYTHING these days. Brant put up a gate so she couldn't go upstairs and literally in an instant she went from happy to tantrum _ on the ground kicking her legs and slamming her forehead on the ground. And this happens about every 10 mins.

I think for Thanksgiving we may have to accidently leave all of the pacifiers in Iowa City :-)

I had a complete meltdown when I dropped Devyn off at Jacob's the other morning! Poor Melissa and Natalie had to listen to me bitch and cry about how tired I am and blah blah blah. Sorry guys _ but thank you _ I guess I needed to cry!! Later that day Natalie sent me this picture of Devyn!! Natalie definitely knows how to make my day!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Devyn & Jacob

I absolutely LOVE watching Devyn and Jacob together! They are the best of friends and get so excited to see each other!! It is absolutely adorable!!! Here are some pictures from my mom's camera _ she came down to help me with Devyn yesterday!! Thanks Mom :-)

Here is Jacob posing for the camera! I LOVE his hair! When I was little my hair stood straight up too!

Out of order picture _ but Devyn loves having all of these huge white boxes around the house. She is drawing all over them! She actually started drawing on our wall with blue crayon...hope the new owners like blue crayon.

Now we are back at gymnastics! We were throwing scarves yesterday...I guess it's good for tracking. But I am not sure we tracked anything.

Devyn and Jacob on the beam together! Of course Dave and I were playing with the rest of the kids and their parents in the group circle! But Jacob and Devyn were off on their own.

I LOVE this picture of Jacob! How cute is he!!

Devyn LOVES LOVES LOVES to do pullovers on the bar! When we do 1 and I let her down she says please please please until we do another one.

This was hysterical! Devyn and Jacob were just kicking their legs on this mat and hysterically laughing.

Jacob on the rings!! He is always smiling _ happiest kid EVER!

Just doing another pullover _ just on a different bar this time.

Walking on the beam - Look at that concentration.

Devyn was running around and climbing on everything _ next thing I looked and her pants fell down! No idea how long her diaper was showing but it was definitely showing.

This was after gymnastics _ I am tired Mom!! Can I go to bed!?! I had to leave for a baby shower so my mom stayed with Devyn but Devyn actually walked herself up the stairs, put her pacifier in her mouth, and waited for my mom to put her in the crib. She was a tired little girl.

Just popping the bubbles in gymnastics!! This is the BEST bubble blower ever!!

My parents got us a Wii for Halloween (well really for Christmas but I just couldn't wait until then). Brant and I have been playing Wii bowling and Devyn tries to do it now too!! She actually holds the controller and then walks up to the tv screen and puts her arm in the air. It is pretty funny to watch.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Total chaos!!

I feel like our life right now is nothing but major chaos!! We are in the middle of packing up our place and moving, I have finals coming up, and a huge test on Saturday...all day! I just feel extremely unorganized and have no idea what to do first!

I was feeling this way sitting in class last night and then I got this picture!! It's amazing how the instant I look at Devyn it seems like I have zero problems! This picture makes me melt!!

Now lets just get me to pass my test!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend Pics!!

We had a pretty rough weekend over at the Gordon's this weekend. First Brant was REALLY depressed about the Hawks then Devyn had a few little spills. Her first spill was during the Hawk game _ she fell into the fireplace. It was awful _ I have NEVER heard her cry that hard. We had to pull rocks out of her forehead. You can see the little mark above her eye in the pictures!

Then we were at the park with Jacob and Devyn decided to look at the half dead rose on the rose bush_not a good idea! I should have known that rose bushes have thorns but for some reason that didn't even cross my mind! Well not until she started screaming and we had to remove the bush from her shirt! Her tummy was all sorts of cut up! Brant had to pick a thorn or two out of her stomach! Poor Devyn!

It was absolutely gorgeous this weekend! I had class on Saturday but Brant took Devyn to the park while I was gone _ this is the picture that I got when I was sitting inside acting like I was paying attention :)

Saturday night Kara came over to help us pack up our place! She is a professional packer! Brant took Devyn to the park again so we could pack a little without her climbing into or coloring the boxes! This is the picture that he sent us from the park!

Devyn did a somersault all by herself at the park too! I missed it but Brant said it was one of the coolest things he has ever seen! She looked at him then looked down and put her hands on the ground and did a forward roll!! I tried to get her to do it again but she wouldn't do it for me! She is incredible! I definitely think we have a little gymnast on our hands...

This was at the park (before the rose bush incident) but Jacob and Devyn were having so much fun! Jacob is probably the smartest kid I know _ every time he sees Devyn he says "Big D" LOVE it! Love you Jacob!

Just playing with the leaves!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Warning: Lots of pictures coming :-)

Devyn is probably one of the funniest kids! She is so easily entertained its hysterical! She is obsessed with Brant's hats. She loves to put them on! It is sort of a process because she doesn't get it on right most of the time but when she does she is sooo proud of herself!! Here she is with Brant's hat on!

We are doing our best to get rid of the pacifier! But Devyn LOVES it. She would keep one in her mouth and hold on to about 10 more if I let her! So we have been keeping the pacifiers in her crib so they are only for bed time! Well now that we don't have a gate up anymore she will climb up the stairs and go straight to the crib and just say please, please, please...until someone gives it to her! We need to be more firm becuase for a while it was only a bedtime thing but now it is going back to whenever she says please. But how can you say no!?! Anyway_here she is sneaking upstairs to get her pacifier! Isn't her outfit adorable! Thank you Michelle :-)

This might be my all time favorite picture!! She looks so grown up! Whenever I have something around my neck Devyn wants it! Most of the time I give in and give it to her_ here she is with my scarf on and her new rainboots!! Adorable!

My mom saved all of my outfits from when I was little! When I had Devyn she gave them all to me! I got some of Kelly's too!! I don't always like to put Devyn in them ONLY because I don't want to ruin them...but then again they are meant to be worn so I need to get over that! But here is Devyn in one of my outfits from when I was little! Thank you Mom :-)

I always give Devyn dessert after she finishes her dinner. This week it is Oreo's. She LOVES them! But she won't eat the cookie part! I don't know how she does it but she can take the cookie apart without breaking it and then just eats the inside. Here she is eating an Oreo.

Here are a few more Halloween pictures! This was actually on Friday night _ Brant and I decided to do a trial run of the garden gnome!

I came downstairs the other morning and Devyn was sitting on the couch like this...and then Brant was on the couch next to her in the SAME position. It was hysterical.

More Halloween!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!! We had a ton of fun yesterday! I am EXHAUSTED_I think I was served one too many yesterday! We went to my parents house for trick or treating so we could go around town with Drew...who was the cutest pirate in town! While Brant watched the Hawks we went to downtown Libertyville to trick or treat in the stores. Then we went out around Kelly's neighborhood. Here are a few pictures. I have more that I will post later_these are from my mom's camera and I am just way too lazy to download my own right now.

Here is little D dressed up in her garden gnome costume! She actually kept her hat on all day! I was shocked.

Here we are trick or treating downtown. I think we are in the bank right now. After a while she wouldn't let me put her down _ no joke my left bicep is so sore today!

It ended up being a pretty nice day out - it started off FREEZING! But in the afternoon it was actually nice out. We are trick or treating at Kelly's now

Devyn got a little tired! She decided to just take a break_no clue whose house this is but Devyn didn't seem to mind.

I got Brant a banana costume!! And he actually wore it! It was pretty funny!! He is such a good sport :-)

This was probably one of the cutest things that I have ever seen! Devyn is feeding Brock. The bottle was sitting next to him so she walked over, picked it up, and put it in his mouth!