I am exhausted!! Brant was in Iowa City this weekend for the Iowa game so I went up to my parents house. Running errands with Kelly and her kids is exhausting!!
I don't know how she does it. She has to have someone go with her to every single store because she can't push the double stroller AND a cart at the same time! So that is what we did - we went to Target, Babies R Us and the Libertyville truck festival!
THEN we all slept at my parents house! Yep all of us! I don't think anyone slept! We woke up in the morning and we all said NEVER AGAIN!
Drew and Devyn are the best playmates. Drew loves to chase her around and Devyn just laughs at him. It is hysterical to watch. Here they are at the park right outside of the truck festival. Look at her looking at him!

Devyn wants whatever Drew has. She would only eat what Drew was eating and only wanted to drink what Drew was drinking. It actually helped out - she ate more with him than I think I have ever seen her eat.
Here is Drew showing Devyn his new toy! Baba bought all the kids a toy! Some how I am responsible for getting all of the additional cars that go with Drew's truck. I guess he is too smart for me to pretend like I will do things!! He reminded me before I left that I have to get him the cars! I need to make a trip to Target this week.
Devyn loved the tow truck at the truck festival. They had all kinds of trucks - fire trucks, army trucks, ambulance, book mobile, etc...but Devyn LOVED the tow truck. She actually started a trend. She climbed up the top of the bed and then thought she could slide down. It worked then other kids started following her and doing it too!

This was before we realized we could slide down.

Mommy and Devyn! I have zero pictures of me and Devyn! I am always taking the pictures so they are mostly of Brant and D or just D by herself. Even though it isn't the best picture we had to put it up!

Here is Devyn with the twins. Reid is on the left and then Brock is on the right. She is honestly smaller than the twins are. She weighs a pound or two less and is about the same height. They can share diapers which is AWESOME for when I go to my parents house...and they can share pajamas which helped us out for our sleepover weekend!

Drew and Devyn were jumping on the couch then Devyn would jump on Drew! They laughed the entire time! Look how cute this picture is!