Monday, August 31, 2009

Cutest Picture EVER!!

Grandma Linda came in town this weekend! We had fun at the park and we went out for breakfast! Brant and I went out on a date night Saturday night _ thank you for watching Devyn Linda!!

I had to post this picture! Devyn climbed up on this ledge and then just put her leg up!! Totally posing for the camera! Of course she is pulling the barrett out of her hair_ she doesn't let me put them in very often!!

And check out her new kicks_ I am completely obsessed with them! They are kids New Balance and they might be the cutest things I have ever seen!! Thanks Baba :-)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fun Weekend!!

Brant had a guys weekend this weekend for his fantasy football draft so Devyn and I got the heck out of town!! We went to Baba's and Papa's for the night!! We had a fun weekend!

Here is a picture of my adorable nephews! Brock and Reid!! Love you guys!

We went to the park and Devyn had so much fun!! Here she is going down the slide by herself!! She is such a big girl!!

Drew got a new swing set at his house so we played on that for a while too!! Devyn LOVES to climb and is probably the strongest kid ever! Here she is climbing the slide with Drew right behind her! Drew was SO good with her this weekend. He made sure she didn't fall, he caught her at the end of the slide a few times! Such a good cousin!! He said to me "Kiki, I really want a little sister!!" I told my sister that and she goes "Yeah well I really want a Land Rover" Guess you aren't getting a little sister buddy!!

Drew's swing set has a ladder and Devyn climbed up all by herself!

In the laundry room at Baba's...still not sure why the washing machine makes her so happy but it does! Every single time we are there!

Just eating McDonald's...she only liked the apples!! Not real sure where she gets her eating habits from since her parents have never turned down McDonald's.

At the park we went to on Sunday they didn't have any baby swings so I put Devyn on a big girl swing! At first I was holding on but she pushed my arms away so I let go! I didn't push her very high and I taught her how to hold on and she was able to catch herself from falling a few times!!

Just Climbing!

Going down the slide!

This might be my favorite picture! Drew helping Devyn off the slide!! How adorable!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Busy Weekend!!

We had a pretty busy weekend!! My favorite 4 year old nephew came to see us for the air and water show! I have pictures of Drew and Devyn playing but I have to download them! I will put them up later this week!! Devyn LOVES Drew! She follows him everywhere and just wants to play with him! It's pretty cute!! But note _ NEVER take your 1 year old to the air and water show!! She wanted to run and there were too many people and just not a good idea! We lasted maybe 5 mins.

Natalie sent me this picture last week! It's kind of hard to see but it is Devyn chasing the geese! She LOVES the geese! But when they flap their wings she gets really scared!

I gave Devyn a tootsie pop_she LOVED it! She cried when I took it away from her. Look at her blue face.

Devyn's hair is starting to get so long!! We have a ways to go but we are starting to be able to put her hair into a pony... This is our version of the ponytail!

I can't get this girl to stop chewing on her shoes!! She takes them off by herself and they go directly into her mouth. Any tips let me know...

Just chowing down!!

I don't know why but I absolutely LOVE this picture! I think because she is concentrating so hard! But she also looks so innocent!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

LOTS and LOTS of pics!!!

I absolutely had to take this picture!! I went in to check on Devyn during nap time and OMG she looked HUGE!!! I can not believe how fast this little girl has grown. I don't know what the doctor is talking about _ she is totally fine!!

These next pics are from the Billy Joel/Elton John concert. Here is Brant and Aunt Kara... Did I mention that Brant gets the husband of the year award! He stood outside in the rain so we could get this table! It was awesome!

Sorry but how could I not post :-)

Back to little D....just being silly!

Out of order...need to work on my computer skills I guess! But here is me and Aunt Kara after the concert...

Do you think she likes Barney?? After this picture she actually started kissing the DVD case.

She LOVES this doll! My mom got it for her and she carries it around and feeds the baby and gives kisses. It's pretty cute.

Being crazy!! We actually got a new table because of this. Her new game was to crawl under the table and push her feet and take the glass out. Not cool...

Sitting on her new toy _ or our new table...

Our first time with peanut butter. LOVED LOVED LOVED it!!

Being in the pool isn't fun enough - we need to climb on all the furniture around the pool.

I am tired Mom!!! Take me inside!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hottest weekend EVER!!!

It was absolutely horrible out this weekend. It was 95 and so humid!! Awful!! Sorry Scott and Jenny I know 95 is nothing compared to the weather you guys have been getting.

Saturday we went up to Libertyville to go to a BBQ and today was all about Devyn!! We hit the park and the pool twice. I will post the pictures later! All I have for now are pictures from my phone.

The minute we walked into my parents house Devyn went straight for the cabinets! Here she is just making a complete mess out of some paper plates!

Devyn LOVES my parents laundry room. She is constantly walking in there. She actually tried to climb into the washer - she was too short to reach but she definitely tried.

Friday, August 7, 2009


This picture is kind of dark but its still pretty cute!! Natalie just sent this to me - its Devyn just running and running!! This girl has more energy than I know what to do with! I brought her with me to a bridal shower over the weekend and I honestly can't tell you one thing they served, one thing that was talked about at the table, or one present that was opened because Devyn wouldn't sit still!! Her hair is finally getting long enough to put a little barrette in it! Most of the time they stay the other times Devyn pulls them out and tries to eat them.