Sunday, November 30, 2008

More pics of Devyn!!

Our camera problems have been solved! Here are a few new pics of Devyn. I will post some Thanksgiving pics later this week.

This is such a cute picture but I can't figure out how to turn it :-(

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nap time!

We are still having some camera problems - I think we get the camera back this weekend!! So I promise to get some new pics up soon. But I found Brant and Devyn taking a nap! How sweet are they?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Devyn's surgery

I have been really bad at adding pictures lately!! Probably because our nanny broke our camera!! I can only tell you how happy Brant was with that one :-)

Devyn had her surgery on Thursday. She had a few skin tags removed from her ear and her cheek. She did awesome and was such a great sport!!

Here she is before surgery in her gown! She looked so cute in it...

After surgery sleeping on Dad!

Here is a picture of her ear after surgery. It's hard to tell from my camera phone and she still has some of the purple marker on her face. But they had to cut out 3 of the tags on her ear and 1 on her cheek. In looks much better in person.

Weekend at Baba and Papa's

Brant and I went to San Diego a couple weekends back... We got to see some of our best friends! It was so nice to get away! My parents took Devyn for the weekend. Here are some pictures! My mom can get her with the best faces. Thank you mom and dad!

Devyn got to go trick or treating with Drew! Is she not the cutest pumpkin ever??

Look at that face? This is my favorite picture! I love it!